Welcome to this combo based dice game based in a bakery setting. 

Your goal is to amass cinnamon rolls  and spend them on new powers that will enable your dice combinations. Become the ULTIMATE CINNAMON GOD!

- Drag and drop your dice into powers to activate them

- Drag and drop Power from the shop to your window to buy new power.

- You can buy new dice in the shop (be careful, each new dice bought will increase the price of roll)

- Use the roll button to roll all your dice and refresh you power. Each roll cost cinnamon rolls

We made this game for the GMTK game jam 2022 in 48h.

Code and GameDesign : DuzDuz, tori404
Art : thedeftylefty
Sound : Epercatap

(Play full screen for the full experience)

Have fun!


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this is really awesome! i wish becoming god of cinnnamon roll had more uhhh....something. anything lol. but it's fantastic for what it is, highly recommended.

Cool game